loomis, gaston p

View license

ca License g 33403 issued december 9, 1976 (license canceled)

2303 old dominion

medical university of south carolina, class of 1974


  • december 2, 1996
  • administrative discipline
    caseNumber: 16 1994038963
    description: three years probation with various terms and conditions. restrictions: shall not prescribe, administer, dispense, order or possess any controlled substances, except those drugs listed in schedules iii, iv and v, however, dr. loomis is permitted to prescribe, administer, dispense and order controlled substances listed in schedule ii for in-patients in a hospital setting only.
    december 2, 1996
  • action by other state or fed
    jurisdiction: georgia medical board
    description: consent order issued by georgia. placed on 5 yrs. probation with terms & conditions. controlled substance license was limited & restricted.
    february 25, 1994
Sign our petition to make the National Practitioner Databank public. It's a federal repository of medical malpractice payments and adverse actions related to doctors. It purports to have a mission "to improve health care quality, protect the public, and reduce health care fraud and abuse in the U.S.", but it explicitly excludes the very patients who would benefit most from seeing findings against doctors from gaining access.